Saturday 9 February 2013


At the Pebble Beach Pro-Am tournament on Thursday, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hit a bad shot on the sixth hole. The ball smacked a female spectator in the face. Here's how the New York Times reported the incident:
"On the par-5 sixth hole, which features a blind approach to the uphill green, Rice’s second shot landed on the side of the hill. After she advanced it several yards with her third, her fourth shot flew out of the grabby grass and hit a spectator standing behind the left gallery rope.
“'Did I hit you?” Rice said, moving quickly to reach the woman, who had a bloody gash above the bridge of her nose. Her daughter was trying to use a pairings sheet as a bandage. “It was a bad shot. I’m really sorry.”
"Rice knelt, handed the woman’s daughter a white towel to stanch the bleeding and held the woman’s right hand until first-aid personnel arrived. Before she headed to the green, she asked the daughter to call her with an update on her mother’s condition. Rice’s assistant, who was walking outside the ropes, slipped the daughter a piece of paper after Rice left. Rice’s game was never the same ..."

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