Sunday, 31 March 2013

Jean Brown

The female leader of a marijuana trafficking organisation has been sentenced to life in prison.
Jean Brown, a 43-year-old Jamaican woman, was sentenced Friday for murder in aid of racketeering. Officials with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) unit say Brown is one of the leaders of the Brown Organization – a criminal organization whose members distributed narcotics in primarily in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York and Jamaica.
“Today’s life sentence of Jean Brown for her drug conspiracy, kidnapping and murder in aid of racketeering is a victory for HSI special agents, who since 2009 have been investigating the Jean Brown drug trafficking organization, which spanned five states and two countries. HSI special agents have seized approximately 100 pounds of marijuana, $853,000 in cash and bank accounts and six firearms from these co-conspirators, who used intimidation and violence to further their criminal activities,” said William Winter, special agent in charge of HSI Baltimore. “HSI will continue working with our law enforcement partners to investigate and ultimately dismantle criminal organizations that are wreaking violence in our communities through the illicit drug trade.”

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Saturday, 30 March 2013


I was reading something about the first libraries. The Sumerians kept word lists. When the Akkadians defeated them and assimilated the Sumerian culture they produced word lists in the two languages. The Akkadian word for dragon was equated with the Sumerian word for giant caterpillar.

Friday, 29 March 2013


All credit to Quentin Tarantino for his achievements in film-making but I can manage without his work. He's definitely too foul-mouthed for my taste. Crudity is his thing. I'm not denying the cleverness but essentially he doesn't understand the genres he's pillaging. I'll give you an example. His Kill Bill films do not capture anything of the two Lady Snowblood films. Give me the originals any day.

Pantagruelline Trends

Pantagruella is like Cassandra. She can see the future but her visions won't help anyone.

Pantagruella Twitter | Pantagruella Trending


Couple de la haute société de la Belle Époque, Mme von Dunajew et Séverin von Kusiemski ont passé un étrange contrat: « Moi Severin, consens à être l'esclave de Wanda tant qu'elle le voudra ». Il sera Gregor, son domestique, humilié et battu à chacune de ses bévues, alors qu'elle s'affiche avec des amants de plus en plus prestigieux.

Adaptation du roman éponyme théorisant la pratique du masochisme, la Vénus à la Fourrure apparaît à la première impression comme une succession vaine de supplices. Un très beau livre aux sublimes planches à l'encre, mais dont la mécanique tourne à vide sur le schéma action / réaction : Gregor agit, Wanda punit et monte crescendo dans l’extrême, appliquant sans passion un froid catalogue de tortures sexuelles. Une lecture plus attentive révèle la description minutieuse des rapports de force au sein d'un couple qui, lentement, se délite. Usé par la routine répétitive des scènes, il subit le déséquilibre qui se creuse dans une relation à sens unique au point de ne plus profiter qu'à un seul des protagonistes. 

Une dominatrice de haute volée (Lady Trinity) écrivait il y a quelques années dans son blog que la doctrine dérivée de Sacher-Masoch n'avait rien d'une révolution féministe. Elle n'était qu'un ultime avatar de l'enfermement de la femme dans un fantasme masculin, où les dames du BDSM sont réduites au rôle de poupées de cuir exécutant docilement les désirs du soumis qui, souvent, les paye. Ce type d'homme est de nos jours qualifié avec mépris par de nombreuses dominas de « faux soumis » ou encore de « souminateurs ». 

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Those pesky topless protestors are at it again, and this time they are back at St. Peter's Square protesting the Vatican City as the election of a new pope takes place just meters from where they stood topless, according to a March 12, 2013 news report from La Press.
The group FEMEN, originally started by Ukrainian human rights protestor Anna Hutsol, stood before the Vatican with bare breasts exposed, to expose what they feel is years and years of controversial beliefs that are no longer relevant.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

The Palestinian Woman


Usually it is easy for me to place each news item in the right category. Today was a sad day because a girl gang beat up a Palestinian women. Normally we would support the girl gang but today we are supporting the Palestinian woman.